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Moving From Suburbia to the Big City

Moving From Suburbia to the Big City

Worried about moving from the suburbs to the big city?

There’s a lot to get used to, and there’ll be a lot that you’ll miss about the suburbs: copious amounts of green space, less traffic-congested roads, your backyard garden and maybe your old neighbors.

But, the last thing you want to stress over is how you’re going to get all your stuff into your new apartment.

Don’t let the fear of wondering how to make that move to a big city prevent you from making that life change. Look to Penske to give you tips on how you can make that adjustment to the Big Apple, city by the bay or any city in between, as seamless as possible.

Within the last year and a half, young adults between the ages of 18 and 34, also known as millennials, surpassed the baby boomers as the country’s largest generation.

Forbes contributor Pete Saunders did some research between 2010 and 2015 and noticed that more and more millennials with bachelor’s degrees were moving into cities instead of the suburbs.

With more millennials moving into cities, chances are those moves may be their first major ones as an adult. They may begin to ask themselves, “What’s the best way to make a move like this?”

Regardless of your age or how experienced a mover you may be, every move is different. Each one brings its own challenges and questions. That’s why Penske is with you every step of the way.

Central Reservations Supervisor Gregory Sterner says that the key to helping the customer through a move is to understand the entire situation.

“Our job is to not just listen, but to ask the right questions,” said Sterner. “Once we know more about their type of move, we can guide them in the right direction.”

Making a move into a city is no different. Downsizing from a suburban home to a city apartment has its own challenges and questions. You may be new to this kind of move, but the central reservations team has helped countless others who were once in your shoes.

The answers to your questions may be simpler than you think.

“Do your research,” said Sterner.

When it comes to downsizing, Sterner recommends sorting through your belongings and deciding on which things you can take with you to your new home and which things you can part with.

“Make sure you call the apartment complex where you’re moving to and ask about any restrictions on when you can unload your Penske rental moving truck,” said Sterner. “Other things you may want to consider are figuring out how you have to unload your truck and what tips the apartment complex has for an efficient move.”

Sterner highlights some essential questions all movers, regardless of their experience, relocating to a city apartment should figure out.

  • Are there certain times of the day that are easier to park in front of the building for a long period, so you can unload the moving truck?
  • If there is a spot for the moving truck, how long in advance do you have to reserve parking?
  • Will you have access to service or freight elevators on the property?

Even the most experienced movers have questions, but moving out of the suburbs and into the city can be intimidating. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and look to Penske’s central reservations folks to help make your move a success.

By Chris Abruzzo

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